Opinion Corner
I hate the war!!!I know most people don't want to hear anymore bickering about Bush, the war , etc. I just feel that if everyone stops talking about it because of complacency, it creates the atmosphere for these things to continue. I have learned that during Vietnam, many people took to the streets in protest, and kept constant pressure on our government. I have also learned that many anti - war protesters were targeted by our government and were killed , discredited, or jailed.
I can see why people today might be resigned to the fact that there is nothing that can be done. With the past knowledge of what happens to anti-war protesters, coupled with the fact that this has been framed as a fight between good and evil, I understand people's reluctance to even deal with the reality of what is happening!!!
I see the news report U.S. casualties on a daily basis, and for some reason, it gets me upset!!I know some people can see the reports and say " uhhh, that's too bad", or "that's so sad",then go about their daily routine. I try to do that, but I think deep down inside it hurts me. Maybe it hurts me because I don't buy in to the reason for the war in Iraq, and I see it as an unnecessary war, making the death of those soldiers unnecessary.Maybe because I was a former soldier and I understand the dilemma that these soldiers face: Either follow orders , or face court martial and disgrace.Then again, I understand that it's simply a matter of self preservation for them now. I just think that it's an unfair position to be in!!
I notice that even though the death toll continues to rise each month, the media coverage seems to be getting less and less. I think it is unfair to restrict media coverage of fallen troops as they make their final trip home to the land that they represented in their ultimate sacrifice! I know that this is by design, because if the American public were allowed to see the flag draped caskets, it might cause some to rethink the situation. I really think that if Americans thought about what is actually going on, and was made to face the grim reality , I truly believe that they would feel as upset, if not more, than I do!
Sidenote: It is my opinion that if the war supporters were really behind the principles and reasons for this war, they should not only volunteer to serve in any and all capacity possible, but they should make sure that their children serve without reservation!!
>On another note, Nyzme doesn't visit blogs anymore?
Why don't you email her and ask?!!!!!!
I hate the fact that we are war as well. I hope we finish our mission as soon as possible and get our guys home. In the mean-time, I hope we kill as many terrorists as possible while keeping the theatre as small as possible.
I still think the war in Iraq is/was about oil and it is letting us lose the war on terrorism. But I now hope we do what is right and not leave the Iraqi people hanging as we did in 91.
>I still think the war in Iraq is/was about oil and it is letting us lose the war on terrorism. But I now hope we do what is right and not leave the Iraqi people hanging as we did in 91.
I agree Patches, I know the war in Iraq is about taking control of strategic oil reserves. This has been in the works for a very long time. I also think it has to do with the US being used by Israelis to fight enemies of Israel!!Many of the architects of this war are Israeli citizens who have managed to secure high level government postitons in the US!!
As far as leaving the Iraqis hanging, I think the US realizes that if they secure all of the oil facilities ,pipelines, and ports,(which they have) the US can set up a puppet regime like they did with Saddam, to deal with the different fighting factions.
The ONLY concern that the US has is that Iran doesn't spread their fundamental form of Islam further into Iraq. After all, this was the reason why the US supported Saddam even when he gassed the Kurds!Saddam's government was vital to US interest of stopping fundamental Islam from spreading!
Imara, wouldn't it be funny if the US realizes that he is the only one capable of keeping the peace and keeping Iraq together as a whole . Then, the US returns him to power!!I think he was a CIA creation anyway!!!
>Goldi: I haven't received an update from Nzyme in a couple of weeks. If I hear from her, I will tell her you were asking about her.
Didn't Goldi email her some remix before?
Re: the war and casualties. Read in the NY Times that military recruiters are finding it hard to meet quotas. No doubt there are parents who are fully in support of the president and the war, others are in denial, but some are beginning to question our role.
The NYTimes article can be read at
It was datelined 6/3/05, so it would be available until 6/10. Or you can read it in the Daily Kos http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2005/6/3/03245/64167
TwoDogs said ".....I hope we kill as many terrorists as possible....." Who are the terrorists? It has been established that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. Most of them were Saudi Arabians; the Saudis continue to enjoy
our trust and friendship. Tell me that it has nothing to do with oil.
Come back to Earth, Musafir.
Musafir, I did hear a report that the US military has been way off in their recruitment quotas.I guess the "red states" don't support the war as much as they give it lip service.
Thank you for the links, I will be sure to check out the info.
>TwoDogs said ".....I hope we kill as many terrorists as possible....." Who are the terrorists? It has been established that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. Most of them were Saudi Arabians; the Saudis continue to enjoy
our trust and friendship. Tell me that it has nothing to do with oil.
Musafir, I agree with your assessment that this this is all about oil!!Both the war in Iraq AND the US' reluctance to point out Saudi Arabia's involvement in the attacks!!Pakistan also had a hand in the attacks, but because they are a nuclear power, and we rely heavily on their cooperation with the war on terror, they also get a pass.
Yes, soundboyz, there has been no link found with Saddam and the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. However, y'all fail to acknoledge that he was very actively involved in other terrorist attacks around the world. Even the 9-11 commission pointed out his very close ties to OBL and his terrorist groups.
Oh, and if this war in Iraq was about the oil, where is the oil? I want my free oil. Moonbat said that the last Gulf War was about oil too. You know, I don't remember any of those tanker ships removing all of Kuwait's oil. Maybe they are taking the long way home.
Leftists need to try to remember history. THe US didn't take the oil back in the early ninties, what makes you think this is any different?
There is no oil because the stupid Iraqis didn’t go along with the program. You all remember, they were supposed to be shocked and awed and surrender, get down on their knees and kiss G. Bush and D. Rumsfield’s asses.
Remember? One of the few places protected by US troops was the Iraqi Oil Ministry.
There is nothing in that part of the world that has any interest to the US other then oil.
Excepting Israel.
You have to remember that Saddam Hussian wasn’t such a bad guy when he was killing Iranians, no matter how he killed them. In fact I think I seen Rummy shaking hands with him. Saddam big mistake was to stop cooperating with and started thumbing his nose at the US.
Most Muslim Nations are supporting terrorism at some level; Saddam was far from the worse of them. The Bush Administration has run the reasons for war from WMD, Iraqi 911 connection, Saddam support of terrorism to now democracy for Iraq. Maybe some more, I’m losing track. But let’s hope the last one, Democracy, sticks.
Is the world better off without Saddam, I’d say yes, but then there is a lot of people the world would be better off without.
>Remember? One of the few places protected by US troops was the Iraqi Oil Ministry.
The funniest thing to me was Ahmed Chalabi being appointed Iraqi Oil Minister!!!
I guess that I was asleep at the wheel when the WMD, and the 9-11 reasons were given by Bush. The only things that I heard from the Bush administration was that we were going to enforce the UN Resolutions that Iraq failed to comply with.
When we finally amassed an army ready to attack, then Saddam said that the inspectors could come back in and then started trying to tell them where they could inspect again. Then is when Bush decided to make some glass.
I have never heard any other reasons from the Bush Administration, I have heard a lot of other reasons from a lot of other people though.
Musafir, I thank you again for the links to the articles!!I found them very interesting!!It is very interesting to me that the Bush administration would include this sneaky stuff in the No Child Left Behind Act!!!!I guess they really meant no child left behind!!!Either you are going to private school,going to college, or going into the military!!!I guess Bush was the one with the "bigotry of low expectations"!!!!!!
Imara, the US has always been the United Nations benefactor and policeman, you have to know that.
Imara, please do a cursory search for the WMD topics, that was a tag line from your Party. George Bush followed the LAW passed by Clinton in 1998 on invading Iraq.
These topics are getting more and more like a Dean speech. There are no facts just rhetoric. Imara that is not the way I picture you.
Let's have more War for Oil discussions.
Here's the link to Clinton's Law.
That's mighty strange indeed.
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