What Hypocrites!!!!
After referencing the Republican pedophilia sex ring involving young boys from Boys Town in Nebraska, I was surprised that many were unaware of this! But, after thinking back on how the ordeal was handled and the suppression of the story, it dawned on me that most people probably haven't heard of this vile and widespread problem that has been ongoing since the 1980's.
In order to fully grasp the severity of this issue, one needs to realize that this scandal is said to have reached the head of the White House, then President George H. W. Bush. Lawrence (Larry) King Jr., no, not the famous talk show host, was a rising black star in the GOP during the early 80's. He sang at both Republican Conventions in 1984 and 1988 for the party, and was known to have strong ties with many very influential people from the Republican party, including then President George H. W. Bush. Mr. King was Director of The Franklin Community Credit Union in Omaha, Nebraska. King was sentenced to fifteen years in prison for embezzlement of some 40 million dollars from the credit union. However, the more serious charges of child prostitution and even murder, was never sought , some say due to a coverup that stretched all the way to the White House!
It is unfathomable that a story of this magnitude did not make a greater impact, but when one reads further into the story, it's obvious that this scandal involved many prominent politicians, businessmen and yes, even the former President of the United States. Allegations include child prostitution , drug use and satanic rituals , including human sacrifice. This ordeal has links to the CIA and it's involvement with developing truth serums and mind control. It is also known that these allegations were part of larger allegations in which individuals were said to have been brainwashed and used as sex slaves and pawns in the CIA's attemps to experiment with creating a Manturian Candidate, as well as suicide bombers and assassins. There is little to no information on this very real and very serious topic on MSN, but one can find plenty of information about this topic from here.You can view the banned documentary about the scandal from here. You can also link to these articles by clicking on the title of this post, or by clicking here.
Update: Many reporters familiar with this story seem to think that the recent discovery of Jeff Gannon as an embedded reporter in the White House Press core, who is an admitted homosexual prostitute and gay porn site owner, is just a continuation of the original scandal involving King and his ring of young male prostitutes. It is suggested that Karl Rove is a homosexual, and is the reason for Mr. Gannon's unusual access to information and privilege.
Needless Update 2: It was brought to my attention that the criticism of hypocrisy was not fully proven in the contents of this post. Thinking that we were all rational minded adults, I saw no need to spell out the obvious hypocrisy coming from the Republican party, but I will state it in this needless update. The Republican party tends to tout itself as the champions of moral values and traditional beliefs, so seeing that this issue exposes MANY REPUBLICANS as pedophiles and moral deviants , would count , in my humble opinion , as hypocrisy!
Just curious about where the hypocrisy is. I don't see anything that leads to the Republicans being hypocrites at all.
Anyway, if this dude is guilty of these crimes, it seems that he should at least be charged and the truth should be brought to light, wonder why Clinton did not try to do that?
Two Dogs, I figured as much. I added a needless update just for you!!!!You should be able to get this without instructions!!You're just being a hypocrite .
As for your comment about "this dude", Mr. King was a well connected Republican who was involved in a child prostitution ring, providing little boys for sexual gratification to highly powerful and influential Republicans , including Bush Sr.I think it was Bush Sr. that made sure that these facts never saw the light of day. And yes, key witnesses and investigators were murdered.
I don't know what Clinton had to do with this, but I suspect he was powerless against the CIA and it's former head, Bush Sr.
Well Nzyme, thanks for keeping it down. I don't want to attract too much attention with this one. After all, the BBC documentary was BANNED, so I am treading on thin ice, in Texas, during the 4 of July!!!!
Thanks for spreading the word quietly!! Did you view the documentary? Pretty interesting , huh?
As for your question on morality, I do often ponder these same thoughts about why something is totally acceptable in one place on Earth, while it is against the law in others. Yes, I do believe in a higher power, or "God". The name is really irrelevant to me. I know there is a higher power.I don't follow the Bible per se, I find it archaic , and often contradicting. I do however, understand the reason for it.I believe it is an attempt by man to put into writing, what he feels would be the will of God.These rules or laws were certainly needed to control man's behavior and cut down on a lot of problems and conflicts.
Hey , I am not passing judgment on morality, although I certainly do believe the actions of the people involved are immoral. I am merely stating that these so called "men of God" and the "party of morals" are hypocrites!!!I think that anyone who professes others as wrong or immoral, are hypocrites by default!!
Oh, I guess I didn't really answer your, question. I think that these behaviors are defined by religion, but I think that preying on innocent children IS wrong!! I don't have to go by religion or man made law to know that preying on innocent young children is not just wrong in a moral sense, it is wrong on a sub-conscious level.
Everyone in this world , living or dead, has been a child, and we all know that taking advantage of children ,even if they think they are mature enough to know better, IS WRONG!!I know in some countries, it is legal to wed at 13 or whatever, but I think those countries are wrong by thrusting naive kids into adult situations!
Nzyme, I understand your point but I disagree that children are mentally mature enough to live adult lives. We all thought we knew it all as children, but we learned later that we weren't as "mature" as we thought.I would make the analogy to fruit. Fruit need a certain time to mature on the tree. Though a fruit may look mature and ready to pick, if it is not given enough time to fully develop, it will not be ripe for consumption.
Children need laws to protect them from themselves. Though they think they know it all, most don't have the mental capacity to take care of themselves, much less another child.
Nzyme, you should know that it's demanding and tough being a parent at your age. Just imagine if you had to deal with your beautiful children at 14 or younger.
soundboyz, I still don't see the hypocrisy. You know that George HW Bush had nothing to do with this. He has always been an upstanding citizen and a great American, even though I think he was a terrible President, being Liberal and all.
As far as Clinton is concerned, it takes a couple of years for things of this magnitude to play out, so Clinton was President when the legal aspects were applicable. Unless I am reading the date on the paper wrong, it says June of 1989. Clinton's justice department would have been the ones investigating the mess and bringing the charges. Could it be that our most sexually deviant President thought that it was okay to pimp out little boys? If there was one President that you could safely assume would do that, it would have to be Clinton.
And to comment on the hypocrisy; conservatives, such as myself, have no desire to hear what goes on in your bedroom. We do not discriminate against someone because they are homosexual. This headline and the subsequent story just bolster my arguments against the federal government even more. If this is a factual account of what might have happened, it seems that we should try to limit the powers of the almighty Fed, because the power of the office corrupts absolutely.
Two Dogs.......CUT THE SHIT!!!!!!
>Even though I was irresponsible when it came to birth control, and thus, became pregnant, I knew long before becoming a mother that I didn't like kids. So, a lot of my bellyaching comes from my own disposition. I don't like motherhood, childrearing, the WHOLE SHEBANG.
Nzyme, this bolsters my argument about why children are not mature enough to raise children. You are supporting my point that even though children might think that they are adult enough and responsible enough to lead adult lives, the fact of the matter is that they are not ready. If you were responsible as a child , you would have acted responsibly when it came to protection. But because of the fact that you were not mature enough , or irresponsible, you opted to do something that you knew was not in your best interest.
Nzyme , I was referring to children having laws to protect themselves from themselves. What I meant was that certain laws such as drinking age , or legal sexual statutes, are necessary in order to protect children from situations that they might be left vulnerable.
I am very sorry that you are going through it with your daughter, but you must realize that she is a minor, and does not fully understand what she is doing. You , being the adult, have to maintain a level head and keep situations from spiralling out of control. It is incredibly easy for things to take a turn for the worst when dealing with irrational teens. You must be the adult and remain calm in the situation.
Please Nzyme, you must not let the immaturity of children provoke you to wrath. I know it is much easier said than done, but stop and think what if something serious results from a spat about something trivial.
We Pray!!!!
>(We don't need anymore freaky mini-NZYMES running around!!)
I am in 100% total, absolute ,unequivocal , definate agreement with you on that one!!!!!
Nzyme, I noticed something about our exchange the other day. Out of everything I wrote and suggested to you , you seem to only react to the "cut the shit" comment. I am just curious if you even remembered anything else during that whole exchange?
Nzyme, like I said before , you have to be happy and love yourself in order to deal with anyone else!!!
>Do you honestly think I would willingly give myself the following labels?
Maybe that one?
But seriously Nzyme, I also think that your daughter lost all the weight because of her self image. Once she lost the weight, she was getting a lot of attention from the boys and caused her to want to lose more.I remember reading this from one of your posts. The important thing is that you and her talk and have an open line of communication. She needs to know that you are concerned and you care about what she does or don't do.
My heart goes out to you, Nzyme. I sometimes get to the point of just reminding myself to eat and sleep. Good luck to you.
I still fail to see hypocrisy in your post, soundboyz, maybe I am just stupid. Does this mean that Republicans are priding themselves on being perfect and are not allowed to do anything wrong? While I still fail to see the relevance of this article from 16 years ago, I do find it odd that our press has completely attacked Delay over some things while letting the criminal across the aisle have a free pass. Maybe, I'll post on that.
Two Dogs, if you took the time to read the assigned material,and watch the documentary, you would understand that the Jeff Gannon story, is just an extension of what has been going on for more than 16 years .
The point that I am making is that Republicans are quick to call Dems liberals and the party of no morals, while touting themselves as champions of morality, while in fact , a lot of these Republicans are closeted homosexuals and deviants. If you still don't find the hypocrisy in that, then I can't explain it any further.
The Jeff Gannon thing is simply silly. Let's go back to our last President and his press conferences and interviews...
Helen Thomas, "Mr. President, since you are the single most bestest President we have ever had, can you tell us why the Republicans are so absolutely stupid?"
Katie Couric, "Mrs. Clinton, since you are obviously, without a doubt, the smartest woman alive, can you tell us why the Republicans are so stupid and willing to make-up obvious lies about you and your husband?"
Barbara Walters, "President and Mrs. Clinton, why in the world would those stupid Republicans make up these obvious lies about you having sex with an intern?"
All of them about perjury, fraud, obstruction, pardons, etal, " ."
Yea, I see how Jeff Gannon could be a problem.
I think that I actually referred to you as a freak on my thank-you posts. And yea, I am giving in to a piece of glass. I ain't got that kinda curve.
>Yea, I see how Jeff Gannon could be a problem.
Try a big problem!! How about a gay male prostitute , involved in pimping out other gay young males, being allowed White House Press credentials, under an alias, without a background check, who was privy to sensitive knowledge of top secret information!!
soundboyz, there are plenty of people that have a day pass to the press briefings without a complete twenty year background check. Gannon put up homosexual websites. Are we hating on him because he's gay or because he's on the web? Like I said, it's silly.
Nzyme, it's not mushy, it's a thank you and I mean it.
Why does this matter?
So in the end, why does this matter? Why does it matter that Jeff Gannon may have been a gay hooker named James Guckert with a $20,000 defaulted court judgment against him? So he somehow got a job lobbing softball questions to the White House. Big deal. If he was already a prostitute, why not be one in the White House briefing room as well?
This is the Conservative Republican Bush White House we're talking about. It's looking increasingly like they made a decision to allow a hooker to ask the President of the United States questions. They made a decision to give a man with an alias and no journalistic experience access to the West Wing of the White House on a "daily basis." They reportedly made a decision to give him - one of only six - access to documents, or information in those documents, that exposed a clandestine CIA operative. Say what you will about Monika Lewinsky - a tasteless episode, "inappropriate," whatever. Monika wasn't a gay prostitute running around the West Wing. What kind of leadership would let prostitutes roam the halls of the West Wing? What kind of war-time leadership can't find the same information that took bloggers only days to find?
None of this is by accident.
Someone had to make a decision to let all this happen. Who? Someone committed a crime in exposing Valerie Plame and now it appears a gay hooker may be right in the middle of all of it? Who?
Ultimately, it is the hypocrisy that is such a challenge to grasp in this story. This is the same White House that ran for office on a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage. While they are surrounded by gay hookers? While they use a gay hooker to write articles for their gay hating political base? While they use a gay hooker to destroy a political enemy? Not to mention the hypocrisy of a "reporter" who chooses to publish article after article defending the ant-gay religious-right point of view on gay civil rights issue.
Who in the White House is at the center of all of this? Who allowed this to go on in the People's House? Who committed the crime of exposing Valerie Plame? Jeff Gannon has the answers to these questions, and boy we know he loves to talk.
Let him talk to Patrick Fitzgerald.
Two Dogs, you can read the whole article here , i'm sure there's plenty that will be of interest to you!! ENJOY http://americablog.blogspot.com/2005/02/man-called-jeff.html
Yea, I saw that a couple of months ago. That was when I decided that the Jeff Gannon story was silly. soundboyz, the Democrats have got to stop trying to get votes by ridiculing other people. It would make sense for them to do this if it had helped them just one time, but it never has.
Instead, I advocate that the Democrats come forward with their agenda. A healthy discussion of ideas will benefit the voters and then we can vote on ideas, instead of gay porn websites that are irrelevent.
You know that there is no connection with George HW Bush and gay prostitution and there is no connection with George W Bush and gay prostitution. I just fail to se any argument here. Again I say, it's silly.
>You know that there is no connection with George HW Bush and gay prostitution and there is no connection with George W Bush and gay prostitution. I just fail to se any argument here. Again I say, it's silly.
I DON'T know that, so don't try and tell me what I know. If you know, then you mush have been there, or know the people involved. I believe the story is based on corroborating evidence!!!I could see if it was one crazed person, but the story was corroborated by multiple sources.
I don't appreciate you treating this like it's no big deal!!!Everytime the Dems have an issue , it's a big deal i.e. Lewinsky , Swift Boat , etc.The issue here is not about a couple of gay prostitution web sites. The issue is that there is a serious problem with the GOP having a history of soliciting young, gay male prostitutes. This has been going on since the early 80's and probably before that.
What I am saying is that if the GOP did not make morality a big deal, and did not vilify Clinton and the rest of the Dems as amoral slimeballs, then I would not level the charge of hypocrite!!!But because the GOP DOES criticize the Dems of things that they are equally guilty of ,worse in my opinion, then I see the relevance!
If you notice, I left the GOOGLE search just for you , so that you can have 8,9 however many pieces of corroborating evidence!!As for Mr. Gannon, or whatever is REAL name is, He was given someone else's credentials in order to be a part of the WHP. It was not just a DAY PASS!! He has been an active member of the WHP since 2003!!He has also been privy to sensitive information only the President and/or his closest people would know i.e. the name of the CIA agent that was leaked, which is a federal crime. Also, Mr. Gannon was on record 4(four) hours prior to the first bombs being dropped in Iraq , as stating that in 4(four) hours, the attack on Iraq would start!!!
If you fail to see the relevance, then you are being silly!!!
Imara, thanks for those kind words. Don't let Mr. Dogs get to you. Obviously, he is just a voicebox for the GOP. I wonder if he gets paid from them like Jeff Gannon did? Then again, I wonder if he IS Jeff Gannon. You know, Mr. Gannon was paid by the GOP to run a fake blog, by a fake reporter, from a fake news agency, and write fake stories. Sounds like Mr. Dogs!!!!
>Two Dogs, seriously, is there anything, ANYTHING, that the Repubs have done that you think is dead wrong? Or do you just minimize their faults at every opportunity?
I have asked Mr. Dogs about this and he informed me that a Republican Governor from Mississippi ONCE cheated on his wife!!!
>Talk about a HYPOCRITE!!! This is the same guy who has shamelessly flaunted his dealings with a certain "Mr./Ms. Beyonceeee" on a couple of "forums." Two Dogs, I don't care if you developed a crush on a DRAG QUEEN---MODERATES want you to keep it to yourself!!
This is exactly what i'm talking about Nzyme!!! These So Called Republicans want to be sexual deviants and straight up freaks behind closed doors, yet they want to go on record as "Moral" people!!!!What hypocrites!!!! If they are against homosexuality, then why do some of these same people practice it.
>Sexual behavior in the Bible was defined by Jesus, not GOD!
Amen Sistah Solja!!!!!!I ren into that while working on my other post about marriage, which is coming soon!!!!!Jesus dictated these rules and he specifically said that these were coming from him, not from GOD!!!So go suck on that one all you filthy Republican, Catholic ,child molesting, homosexual, pedophile loving freaks!!!
^ Sorry, I got a little too carried away with that one!!!!!
>That is sooo true. Thanks, Imara!
Bullshit, I want to see a catfight!!!!
Nzyme, all the sexual relations that a man is allowed to have is written in the New Testament and it was spoken by Jesus, who admitted it was not he word of God, but his own ideas on how things should work!!!
> Oh, and the Bible is defined as the "inspired Word of God."
Riigghhttt!!!!"inspired" means when you go downtown and you see the homeless guy with the sign about what God said to him......well that can be considered as "inspired"!!!
> Oh, and if you believe in the Holy Trinity, then Jesus IS God!
I don't believe in the Holy Trinity and Jesus is NOT GOD!!!!He said so himself!!!!!!!!!!
>ANYTIME, Nzyme, anytime!!
Bullshit!!!!!!I want to see a catfight!!!!!
> I'll bet Soundboyz watches female mud wrestling.
Yea....and your point is?
>Well I must like CLEAN sex, cause if it ain't snipped, it can't dip!!
That is just discriminatory!!!!
>LOL... well you could always lather it up, and wash it really good yourself before it "dips"- just to ensure it's really clean!
What type of hustler forum, type playboy letter of the month , type doctor Ruth, type Herlequin romance type shit is this?
>I'm sorry. That entire comment was really rude, and unlike me. I should take it back, but I can't seem to locate the "delete" function at this time...
Now Imara, you are acting like a Republican with your lewd remarks......and the lying!!!!!!
> I think we need to have a staff meeting about this situation!
I hope you don't have a "staff".
> Why is it that the majority of our posts end up turning to sex?
You and Nzyme!!!!!
>Don't even try to get yourself out of this one!!
Listen, there is no trying to get out of nothing!!!Who just made the rude comments about male genetalia? You and Nzyme!!!!Who was talking about naked men serving shrimp and lobster and all that stuff? You !!Who posted a link to an adult site with sex toys for all to see and purchase? Nzyme!!!So, I stand by my statement!!!
O.K.Imara , i'll be keeping a close eye on your commrents, so try and stick to the topic please!!
>Soundboyz, I am ALL for sticking to the topic. I am a sweet innocent woman, who has been pushed to the dark side. Please forgive me.
The Dark side? This is not Star Wars or some crap like that , you're just a fweak!!!
Oh Imara, I just got a very nice link from Musafir. Please check it out.
Nzyme you're corrupting my blog mate . I'm going to have to ban your IP.!!!Either you clean up your act or be banned superfreak!!!!
Nzyme, you don't have to go anywhere. You just have to purify your mind in the waters of Lake Minnitonka!!
^ Oh, that's just where Prince told Charlie Murphy and his crew to go jump into in order to purify themselves.Just silly Dave Chappelle humor, or Prince humor for that matter.
You two can both kiss the "dark side" of my butt cheeks!!!
Imara.......I am shocked and outraged!!!
Don't apologize! I was shocked and outraged that you only kissed one cheek!!!!:)
Washed and ready!
Thank you.... (() :)
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