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Monday, March 28, 2005

In the Beginning....

As we should all be aware of by now, there is a big debate brewing between the Christians who believe in Creationism, versus scientists who agree with the Theory of Evolution. Volcanoes of the Deep is an IMAX film that is being banned in theatres in the south because it contains references about evolution. I don't have a definitive opinion as to which theory is correct, however , I do find it disturbing that the Evangelists are protesting anything that makes even the slightest mention of any viewpoint other than Creationism.

If people are not given the opportunity to hear and see different theories or opinions, then how can one truly make up their own mind as to what they think is right? If evidence is being suppressed that may support an opposing viewpoint, then I think it is wrong, and amounts to censorship and propaganda!People should have the right to see and experience what ever they want and not be afraid that it may contain something that others disagree with. Christians are threatening movie theatres to not show this film , or face being boycotted. I find it alarming that anyone would be so afraid of other points of view. If one's faith is strong , there should not be anything that can challenge, or shake it.


Blogger Geekbird said...

Wasn't the movie "Volcano's of the Deep Sea"?

Mon Mar 28, 11:38:00 AM 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Mon Mar 28, 11:41:00 AM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

My apologies, I read the wrong review, although they both deal with the same issues!

Mon Mar 28, 11:50:00 AM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

There,are you happy now!!!Actually there are several IMAX movies that the Right are boycotting . There's this one, Galapogos, and Cosmic voyage. They would probably boycott Aliens of the Deep if they found out about it!!

Mon Mar 28, 11:57:00 AM 2005  
Blogger Geekbird said...

I am now going to discredit everything you say. I for one am appauled at the incorrect movie poster that you had posted earlier. Your mistakes are not easily forgiven by simply replacing the incorrect picture with a correct blinking picture.

I demand an immediate apology to your readers. Mistakes like these are unacceptable and I demand some groveling and a begging of forgiveness for trying to manipulate me to believe in something completely unfounded.

For shame Soundboyz, for shame.

Mon Mar 28, 12:07:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Paul Mitchell said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

Mon Mar 28, 12:10:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Paul Mitchell said...

This movie was not banned. IMAX simply decided not to show it in the Carolinas. And it is not a documentary showing any kind of scientific research. It's a movie. I have neither seen nor heard anything said at all about this movie here in Mississippi. Of course, I don't leave the trailer court that much either.

Mon Mar 28, 12:15:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...


Check that out geekbird. It's more than one IMAX film that the right are banning. I have retracted the info based on the fact that Volcanoes of the Deep is the more noted one of the IMAX movies that is being boycotted, however, there are several that deal with evolution and are being banned.Galapogos, Cosmic Voyage and Aliens of the Deep are just some of them.

Mon Mar 28, 12:27:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Paul Mitchell said...

The Right has banned or censored nothing. IMAX CHOSE not to show this movie in some the south because of the money. Just like F911, they will show this movie in Atlanta, Austin, Mobile and the like. Play to your audience. The Conservatives had nothing to do with this. I'm telling you, I have never heard of this until Erik mentioned it on his website. It is not even on the radar. Propaganda......And unlike F911, they will not show it in Jackson because they are in the business to MAKE money, not LOSE it.

Mon Mar 28, 12:33:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Paul Mitchell said...

Oh, and the Left is boycotting KFC. Cause you know that chicken is Christian.

Mon Mar 28, 12:34:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

Two Dogs, it was not banned, but movie theatres were threatened not to show it! The theatres did not decide not to show it on their own!!

Mon Mar 28, 12:40:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Geekbird said...

don't take offense to my last comment for it was utter sarcasm. I wanted to know what it felt like to be completely nonsensical and completely rigid like Two Dogs.


Mon Mar 28, 12:42:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

KFC is facing protest because of the unethical treatment of animals.

Mon Mar 28, 12:43:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

LOL!!!!Geekbird, I have already retracted the picture and the title, that still does not change the merit of the post!!!!Just because I used the wrong picture and referenced the wrong IMAX movie does not take away credibility from the post!!!Like I said before, there are several different movies being boycotted by those nutjobs, you are just unfamiliar with all of them!!!

Mon Mar 28, 12:49:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Geekbird said...

i retract all of my comments. They were created in a fit of jealousy. You guys are not only credible but INcredible.

Rock dis shit yo!!

Mon Mar 28, 01:02:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Geekbird said...

>If one's faith is strong , there should not be anything that can challenge, or shake it.

Word. I also heard the evolution comment was very miniscule.

Mon Mar 28, 01:11:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Paul Mitchell said...

Imara, I sure do hope you got the sarcasm about the chicken. And I have not ever made an issue about the chicken, that was Al Sharpton. And soundboyz, IMAX is threatening IMAX? Damn, that is incredible. Look away, there is nothing to see here.

And pay no attention to Geekbird's comments ever, they are always completely nonsensical.

Oh, Imara, the Black abortion post is up.

Mon Mar 28, 01:15:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Geekbird said...


Two Dogs, happy to know I've taught you a new word. Get off my coat tails beyotch!

Start something, move something, shake your tailfeathers.

Mon Mar 28, 01:25:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

>Word. I also heard the evolution comment was very miniscule.

Exactly, and the comment was about how deep sea organisms were able to evolve and survive off the heat and sulfer from deep sea volcanoes. This is factual and cannot be disputed.

These Jesus freaks are afraid that science might be able to prove something that would contradict with the stories from the Bible!!

Maybe both theories could coexist and support each other? What are they so afraid of? Not too long ago , people still believed the Earth was flat (Like Two Dogs head) and that sea monsters were waiting for you if you fell off the edge. Science sure has come a long way.

Mon Mar 28, 01:25:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Paul Mitchell said...

Well, I don't know what they believe about things in California, but with more and more scientific studies, the more the Bible rings true. And funny how most scientists and biologists in the world are coming to believe more in creationism theory.

I have no doubt that deep sea heat from underwater fissures increase plant and animal growth. I don't know what that has to do with evolution. I guess the thing that would impress me and probably everyone one else, would be that someone finds the missing link. That would be nice.

Mon Mar 28, 02:43:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Geekbird said...

I know two dogs loves to talk about Clinton's impeachment, well looks like Bush should be next in line...

This just handed to me...


Mon Mar 28, 02:58:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Paul Mitchell said...

Broken link

Mon Mar 28, 03:01:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Geekbird said...


Mon Mar 28, 03:03:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Geekbird said...

>more scientific studies, the more the Bible rings true.

I actually agree with you here


Mon Mar 28, 03:04:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Geekbird said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

Mon Mar 28, 03:04:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Paul Mitchell said...

Just to go on record here, I most definitely do not like talking about the impeachment of Clinton. Like I said, he was an utter embarrassment. I had difficulty explaining to my son that even though he was actually convicted of a crime, he was not being punished. I finally just wrote it off as the rich thing. He had enough wealth behind him to be allowed free range to do what he wanted. It still pisses me off that some people continue to say that his impeachment was over sex.

As far as the Saudi thing, the FBI at the time was run by Louis Freeh, a Clinton appointee. I don't believe one bit that this was anything to do with Bush at all. I'm sure at some point he was briefed, but I doubt seriously that they had anything to do with the actual attack. If memory serves correctly, it was some dude named Osama Bin Ladin. But, I could be wrong, there.

Mon Mar 28, 03:13:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

> >more scientific studies, the more the Bible rings true.


Mon Mar 28, 03:33:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Paul Mitchell said...

Scientists that are studying evolution vs. creationism theory, yes they are theory, say more and more that their studies lead them to believe that the chances of evolution being true get slimmer and slimmer.

Seems that the odds that for humans to evolve from single cell things would require situations that have such a miniscule chances to happen, that the odds are too outrageous. Plus the fact that they have found very few examples of any organism that has evolved.

Mostly it is proven in plant life through cross-pollenation (sp?) and the like. But, then again, I am no scientist. What I know, is that if you leave abuilding alone long enough, it returns to nature. So, from my experience, higher life forms or rendered objects return to simpler forms. Quite the opposite of evolution.

Mon Mar 28, 03:45:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

Go here:
This seems to spell everything out .

Mon Mar 28, 04:15:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Paul Mitchell said...

Man, I couldn't make heads or tails of that. Must have been created to show how cool computer graphics can be. Here's another one from PBS, that seems to make your point better about evolution in humans.


Mon Mar 28, 04:29:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

Two Dogs, It works, you have to click on the timeline and then click on the triangles and circles on the chart. When you are done with one era , simply click on the next era on the timeline and repeat. I know you are more evolved than some of these creatures, you can do it!!!

Mon Mar 28, 04:42:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

or you can just simply click on the tab marked "instructions".

Mon Mar 28, 04:44:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Paul Mitchell said...

Yea, I saw it work, it just doesn't appeal to me. It seems that it was developed for children. I like my date free from trickery and bullshit. I'll find some links tonight to show you what Geekbird and I were talking about earlier.

Mon Mar 28, 04:58:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

>It seems that it was developed for children.

This is just your thing!!

Mon Mar 28, 09:46:00 PM 2005  

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