Where Two Or More Are Gathered..........

This is the place where all are welcome to join in and engage in spiritual, uplifting and intellectual conversation.Please do join us,won't you.....

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Politically Incorrect

I think it's time we took the gloves off(no pun at O.J) and got to it. I am not doing this strictly to be controversial, I am merely stating what I believe to be true. All throughout my life , I have had strong opinions on a variety of subjects ranging from politics to religion, and I am just going to put it out there , right here right now. If you disagree with some or all of these statements, then I suggest that you explain your rationale for doing so , and state your opinion on these topics.

First, I would like to go on record as saying that I think that O.J. Simpson is innocent. Some may find this statement laughable, but I do not. I think his late ex- wife Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman were victims of Columbian drug dealers who got tired of waiting for their money from Faye Resnick. I think the "Columbian neckties" were telltale signs that the murders were all due to Nicole and Faye's expensive drug habit. Faye thought that she could check herself into rehab and hide from those seeking their money for thousands of dollars worth of drugs that she owed. Those murders were a direct message sent to Faye Resnick , telling her that she had to pay up.

Since I just commented on O.J. , I want to be an equal opportunity commenter by saying that Robert Blake was guilty. I don't want people to think that I am basing my opinion on race, because justice is color-blind. I am merely stating my opinion based on evidence that I heard about the trial. First of all, Mr. Blake had tried on more than one occasion to solicit someone to murder his wife, Bonnie Blakely, prior to her murder.Robert Blake also made statements about wanting to kill her because he felt that she had trapped him into a situation where he felt he was forced to marry her after fathering a child by Ms. Blakely.This not only provided motive , but substantial evidence to draw a reasonable conclusion of guilt. Oh yea, not to mention that she was killed during a five minute time frame while Mr. Blake went to retrieve his gun from the restaurant where he had just taken her out(no pun intended) to eat. I would say that this was too small a window of opportunity to be random!

Lastly, I want to go on record by saying that Bill Cosby was the target of Republicans out to tarnish his image and ruin his reputation because of his open dislike of the Bush Administration. Bill Cosby has been around for decades entertaining millions through wholesome films and television programming. He has made it a point throughout his career to stay away from commenting on controversial issues such as race and politics. Mr. Cosby has recently become outspoken of the Bush administration, even refusing to sit next to Condoleezza Rice during a function. I think that Mr. Cosby knew that he lived in a racist and unfair society , and steered clear of race issues during his long and successful career. Sadly , I suspect that the death of his son Ennis , has caused Mr. Cosby to become proactive and more vocal about these divisive topics. The sudden and deliberate attacks on Mr. Cosby was a direct result of his new outspoken attitude towards issues he's been silent about for far too long.

Update: This particular post only deals with conspiracy theories, but I will periodically continue this post and focus on different subject matters! Next week, I will state my argument for why I think Bigfoot and the Lochness Monster are real , and why UFO's are not only real, they are being used by our government to kidnap and rape unsuspecting people.

Update 2:It has become obvious to me, as well as other people affiliated with "Where Two or More...", that there is another conspiracy that needs to be dealt with. This conspiracy involves Two Dogs from Mean ol' Meany and his frequenting of gay bars. Mr. Two Dogs claims to have an on going relation with a "Beyonce" look alike , and claims that "she" performs at this said gay bar. Mr.Two Dogs has offered up pictures to prove the validity, and the sex of this individual, so far, no such photo has surfaced. We here at "Where Two or More....." and it's readers demand that these photos be provided as proof of Mr. Dogs' claims!


Blogger KR said...

I have no opinion on Mr Simpson or Mr Blake. I did not take an interest in either trial, and since I have opted out of the mainstream media feed, I would have to deliberately seek out information on their cases in order to develop an opinion.

Mr Cosby is a good man. I have no idea what the Republicans are supposedly doing to him (again I don;t get the media feed) but if it involves sex, drugs, or racism, it is most likely false and undeserved. He has been in public life for far too long for something to be 'turning up' now. So either it is policially motivated, or financially motived. Power and Money. Its all about power and money.

Tue Apr 19, 11:26:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

Very true Kelly, you are exactly right when you mention power and money as possible motives! I suspect that anyone that dares to differ with the current admin's stance on policy has to be very careful of this type of character assassination .

Tue Apr 19, 11:31:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Paul Mitchell said...

OJ was found innocent, no matter what anyone thinks, he IS innocent. Clarke and Darden were foolish to put the gloves on him, because it only takes a weekend golfer to tell you, "if the gloves were wet and dried in, they are much, much smaller than they were to begin with." The Columbian connection is pure lunacy.

Blake, guilty, guilty as Hell. 'nuff said and you know it.

Finally and the important one, Cosby has been bashed by everyone on the Left. What he has maintained is true. Bashed from the right, never heard it. Bashed from the Left, yep. Julian Bond will do everything he can to destroy Bill Cosby at all costs. The NAACP has become so irrelevent as to be laughable. Y'all know my take on this. The funny thing is this; Cosby has been accused of fathering a young lady, and that was proven to be false. He calls out the blue hairs in the church and everyone throws a hissy fit. If there is really anyone that thinks that Bill Cosby is not standing up for what he believes in, please come forward.

Wed Apr 20, 12:59:00 AM 2005  
Blogger Paul Mitchell said...

Nzyme, I have to say this regarding Kobe. I think that his accuser chose him because of his wealth, not because of his race. Was he stupid? Oh yeah.

And at some point, everyone will come to realize exactly how much damage that JFK and his ideas did to the poor and minorities.

And Michael is innocent? Not from what I'm hearing. I might have to change my tune on that afterwards, but this is the first family that could not be bought off.

Wed Apr 20, 08:45:00 AM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

Greetings people!!!! I see that we are chocked full of opinions!!!Two Dogs, somehow I knew that you were going to start on this bullsh*t today!!

Mr.Cosby was critical of blacks, but what the media is not reporting is that he was also critical of racist whites in America that has caused the current disposition of blacks. That part seems to always get lost in the reporting!!! True , Mr. Cosby did call on blacks to own up to their responsibilities, which we all agree with. However, he made it a point to call out whites for their system of opression and racism. Imara is right also, the MSM seems to want to report the story in a way to try and divide blacks , and not show the whols story!!I also noticed that there was very little coverage of the incident when Mr. Cosby refused to sit next to Condy-Skeeza, as Imara so eloquently put it. I think this one event triggered a flood of trouble for Mr. Cosby!! Again, it was his opposition to the current admin. that made him the focus of this character assassination!!

Wed Apr 20, 12:25:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

Oh, I see we ALL agree that Robert Blake was GUILTY!!!! Good, because even that nut case knows he's guilty!!!!And I quote from this looney bin, " what do you want to do , take my testacles and make earrings out of them".~Robert Blake.

Nzyme, you have managed to jump the gun and leaked my subject material for the next year, but thank you anyway, I appreciate you taking the time to point out these cases!! Great ,Now I have to write about Bigfoot and UFO"S ....thanks Nzyme!!

Although, I might disagree with you Nzyme, about Michael Jackson. I am still weighing the evidence , but I am not really sure of his innocence or guilt at this point. I would have to hear the whole thing on the reinactment case they play everyday!!

Wed Apr 20, 12:32:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Paul Mitchell said...

Why would anyone think that there are problems with Bill Cosby? He knew that what he said would stir up shit. He didn't care. I don't know why you are accusing me of starting anything. I agreed. Hey, make your position known and damn the torpedoes. You gotta respect that, but what he said bucks the Liberal establishment, ie white MSM, so therefore he will be sacrificed on the altar of political correctness. And still he won't give a shit. I applaud.

Even though the evidence on OJ proved beyond a shadow of a doubt he was guilty, a jury of his peers let him walk. That means he's innocent. Same thing with Blake. Michael ain't gonna be so lucky, I don't think.

The thing that bothered me the most on the OJ thing was that the media showed U of Texas Law School auditorium and the students were separated with blacks on one side of the aisle and whites on the other. When 'not guilty' was read, the Black students jumped up and screamed with joy, and the whites just sat there. Weird, just weird. These law students should have been able to apply the Law. There should have been a very different reaction. I guess the point should be that we as humans should be able to put that pettyness aside.

Wed Apr 20, 12:48:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

Two Dogs, we are in agreement that Mr. Cosby is the victim of retaliation. Where we differ is that you think it's coming from the left,and I think it's coming from the right. What I meant was that I knew you were going to turn this into a left /right debate. Even though Mr. Cosby
did criticize blacks for not doing enough to offset the effects of SLAVERY, RACISM, SEGREGATION etc., he was critical of whites for their behavior!!He said something to the effect that, We know what they(whites) did to us , we understand what they(whites) have caused , but we are helping them! I agree with that %100! It's funny how the media didn't cover that portion of the speech!!

Anyway, my point was that the character assassination wasn't from the left, that was just criticism. The real dirty stuff, the drugging and rape acusations, were coming from the right as a result of his open objection to their policies!!

Wed Apr 20, 01:20:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

I agree 100% with Nzyme and Imara, whites are trying to stop Michael Jackson from doing good deeds and drawing attention to injustice all around the world. From he made "They Don't really Care" and he called out the Jews, he has been targeted non stop!!

Wed Apr 20, 01:24:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

>Ummmmmmmmmm, a GOLD-DIGGIN' MOTHER!!

Halleluiah!!!!!!Amen, Sister Soljah!!!A proven Gold Digger!! How are you gonna sue a department store for sexual harassment when you are guilty of stealing merchandise? What type of Reversal Role type Jedi Mind Trick type Reverse Psychological type bullshit is that?

Wed Apr 20, 01:29:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Paul Mitchell said...

Imara, when I said Liberal Media, I only meant CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, LA Times, NY Times, Washington Post, almost every single major metro area network affiliate, almost all major radio stations, and the majority of daily publications, TIME magazine, and all the TIME spin-offs, pretty much every woman's publication, I just didn't mean FOX or the Washington Times.

I really haven't heard anyone dissing Cosby from the conservative side. Not. One. Person. If any Republican or conservative came out and said one negative thing about Cosby, who is Black, they would be completely chastised and villified like that nice boy Tom Delay.

Wed Apr 20, 01:32:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

Two Dogs, the thing at U of Texas was just a glimpse of how fuckin pissed blacks really are about Whites and what has been done to them!! I know you have black friends, and I have white ones, but that doesn't mean that shit is cool!! It's not like blacks hold the current whites personally responsible for what happened, but they view them as the beneficiary of a system designed for their benefit. The little affermative action and that other little shit is peanuts when trying to offset what has been a system designed to oppress blacks and give whites an unfair advantage. Why do you think most blacks are born into poverty? Why, because they're just lazy....You and other whites are playing ignorant if you don't connect the current disposition of blacks with the history of their plight.I hate it when people like to pick up an argument from where it benefits their side!!

Wed Apr 20, 01:37:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

> "Tom Sneddin is a cold man..." That's where Michael really messed up!!

That's my sh*t right there!!!

Wed Apr 20, 01:37:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

I don't take Two Dogs seriously anymore. When he told me about the "Beyonce" impersonator at the gay bar, that was it for me. Two Dogs is just an instigator!!!!

Wed Apr 20, 01:40:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

Tell him Imara!!!!!

Wed Apr 20, 01:40:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

>LOL... did you see the T.V. special on Michael? They showed footage of Sneddin and played this song... it was hilarious!

LOL!!! That was hysterical!! They just want to bring down anyone who is trying to do good deeds!!Sounds like the work of the DEVIL to me!!!

Wed Apr 20, 02:20:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

"Jew me, sue me, everybody DO me"

Now that was the first sh*t that set it all off!! He had Jews uniting to shut down his record company if he didn't change those lyrics!!! What ever happened to free speech? I guess blacks aren't really free at anything!!

Wed Apr 20, 02:23:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

> I wonder what is the cause?

Imara, not to blame everything on racism and slavery,but when a people have been beaten down and victimized the way blacks were/are, blacks learn to shut up and mind their own business!!When Martin Luther King tried to make a difference , guess what happened? When Malcom X tried, guess what happened? When the Black Panthers tried , guess what happened? I could go on and on, but the point is when you see those that really try and make a difference get slain and their characters assassinated like Mr. Cosby, then you learn that it's not worth fighting for. When they control politics, the justice system, the media...etc, you keep shut.

Plus, I think after being in the "barrel" of oppression and poverty so long, blacks become crabs that are clawing and scratching their way out, not bothering to unite and help each other for fear of being betrated and robbed of our potential.It's a common side effect of someone who has been victimized, they lose all trust and willingness to work with others!!

Wed Apr 20, 02:58:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

> Didn't he also use the word "kike"

I think he did!!! He also used the words Jamon, ubetta, subezbatta, and Heee Heee.

Wed Apr 20, 03:01:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

Nzyme , Did you see the pictyres of the gay bar where Two Dogs hangs out ? Did you see him and fudgee doing their thing? He claims to be "seeing" a "Beyonce " look alike from there.My question to you Nzyme is this, what type of woman hangs around a gay bar and performs there? What is he'/she performing? Two Dogs claims she /he does his/her "thing" there. I hope he/she is only doing his/ her "thing" and not anyone elses. I also noticed that he hasen't sent me any picture, I guess he took a second look at it and realized that chick had an Adam's apple and her hands were bigger than his!!!

I say we as black people, in a show of unity , DEMAND that TWO DOGS show us this picture of his lovely"beyonce" look alike!!!!SHOW US THE PICTURE!!!!!SHOW US THE PICTURE!!!!!!SHOW US THE PICTURE!!!!!!SHOW US THE PICTURE!!!!!!SHOW US THE PICTURE!!!!!!!

Wed Apr 20, 03:16:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

Nzyme, I did not see this , but I did read the review and it sounds about right. I have added a second update to this post. I hope we can urge Mr. Dogs to come clean(no Pun).

Wed Apr 20, 03:33:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Paul Mitchell said...

Y'all gonna get a picture soon, I promise. And Beyonce only performed at the gay club once. I have only attended the gay club once. Actually as I said before the service was pretty damn good. And here is the article that I wrote a few weeks back about the roll into the club.


Wed Apr 20, 04:35:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Paul Mitchell said...

No, Nzyme, the NAACP has become irrelevent in our world. Not that that is a bad thing. It is just headed by Jullian Bond and he forced the one bright hope out of the group. Kweisi Mfume turned the thing around from a place for the higher ups to wine and dine their love interests and once the job was done, Bond forced him out.

Wed Apr 20, 05:05:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

>Actually as I said before the service was pretty damn good.

I bet it was, my friend!! Were you serviced well? I hope you are comfortable enough to "come out " with the truth.

Only once huh? O.K. player, if you say so!!!

Wed Apr 20, 05:09:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

> No, Nzyme, the NAACP has become irrelevent in our world.

Maybe in your White world Two Dogs!!!!

>It is just headed by Jullian Bond and he forced the one bright hope out of the group. Kweisi Mfume turned the thing around from a place for the higher ups to wine and dine their love interests and once the job was done, Bond forced him out.

Really now!!! I know you are full of it because you manage to say all the wrong shit!!!You are a instigator Two Dogs!!!!


Wed Apr 20, 05:14:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

Goldi, I think your assessment of Two Dogs is very accurate . Turns out he's a white dude with Jungle Fever for Tarzan, not Jane!!

Thu Apr 21, 11:34:00 AM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

I can tell that Two Dogs is full of bull because if you notice, he sides on EVERY single issue that's controversial!!! Not once has he agreed totally with something that is pro Democrat or pro liberal. That's not normal!!! Either he's a hypocrite , or he's just full of it, or both!!

Thu Apr 21, 11:38:00 AM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

Hey Goldi, Why did you have no comment on Mr. Cosby? Is there something you want to share with us? Did you have dinner with the Cos?

Thu Apr 21, 11:42:00 AM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

> ^ bipartisan = bisexual?!?

No, Bisexual= Bisexual!!!

Thu Apr 21, 11:51:00 AM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

> Well, if "Beyonce" is really a man, then I guess he has crossed the isle.

LOL!!!I hope his conservative buddies don't read this!!!He will have some 'splainin to do. Although, I think a lot of those so called conservatives are Batty men!!!! I saw a thing about this black dude who used to pimp out little boys from Boys Town to Republicans in Nebraska and Washington DC!!

Thu Apr 21, 11:56:00 AM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

> Nah. I'm just very touchy when it comes to making comments on middle African America

I understand Goldi!!

Thu Apr 21, 11:57:00 AM 2005  
Blogger Paul Mitchell said...

And the dude that pimped little boys voted Democrat.

Thu Apr 21, 11:59:00 AM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

> And the dude that pimped little boys voted Democrat.

That maybe true, but he pimped out the little boys to Republicans!!!!!

Thu Apr 21, 12:07:00 PM 2005  
Blogger The Bobo Knitter said...


OJ, innocent (Per Two Dogs initial post)

Blake, also innocent ala jury of dumb asses!

Cosby? Likes him a little white girls on occassion, but targeted because of his celeb. status. As for a Republican attack machine going after the Cos. I am the Republican attack machine, and I shall do no such thing. I met him, twice. Once at my Penn Graduation where he shook my hand and winked at me, and once at my Temple Graduation where he shook my hand and winked at me . . . I am sensing a pattern here.

Loch Nessie, Big Foot and UFO's so real. As for the UFO's where do you think I work? :)

As for Two Dogs frequenting Gay Bars and hanging with Beyonce look alikes, Bah, big fat lie! He/she looks more like Tyra Banks than Beyonce! Geez.

Thu Apr 21, 12:24:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

Hey Oddybobo, it's very refreshing to read such honesty and straightforwardness !! However, I don't like where you're going with the Cos, Heathcliff Huxtable ain't no pervert!!! It's obvious you are just trying to drag his name through the mud.

Everything else was right on the money!!

>As for Two Dogs frequenting Gay Bars and hanging with Beyonce look alikes, Bah, big fat lie! He/she looks more like Tyra Banks than Beyonce! Geez.

We need pictures to clarify this, I heard he/she looked like Serena Williams with stubble.

Thu Apr 21, 12:53:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

>That maybe true

Sorry , I meant "may be".

Thu Apr 21, 01:00:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

> Leave the Cos alone folks - he's human.

Tell that to Condy-Skeeza and Bush. They seem to be the ones with an axe to grind!!

Thu Apr 21, 02:37:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

>He hasn't done anything wrong that no other man, black or white, hasn't done.

WTF does that mean Imara? I didn't drug or rape or fondle no white ho!!!Sorry I meant"alledged".

>I grew up in a "Huxtable" type household, and was constantly teased by black folks for "acting white", or looked at by white folks as an oddity.

Were you "Rudy" or "Vanessa" or I bet you were the Lisa Bonet character. I can't remember her name right now, but I bet you were that high yella uppity chick!!!!

Thu Apr 21, 02:41:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

>but I bet you were that high yella uppity chick!!!!

Sorry, I meant "trick".

Thu Apr 21, 02:43:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

>And I guess you were Cockroach.

Very funny whitey!!! I wasn't cockroach , I was Lance, you know how I got that name , right?

Although, I LOVE me some Cree Summers!!!!

Thu Apr 21, 03:04:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

> Goldi, I find myself having to "prove my 'blackness'" from time to time, too. I just shake my head...

Keep shaking your head, cause it sounds to me like you're one of those albinos!!!
You probably try to pass yourself off as white when it benefits you , like over the phone , when you are trying to resolve a disputed bill...etc!!!

Thu Apr 21, 03:07:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

Imara, you were probably the cousin that came to live with them towards the end of the show. You know the project chick that always tried to sneak out the house and brought all the hoodlums to the crib!!

Thu Apr 21, 03:10:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

>nah your more like Dwayne Wayne's buddy...you try so....hard.

Not that chicken colored corn ball!!!!That was wrong , take it back Goldi....

Thu Apr 21, 03:11:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

> whitey. nah i'm on the caramel side of the color line.

Hey Red.....Red........Red!!!

Thu Apr 21, 03:13:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

>Red-bone, yes... uppity, no. I was more like the oldest sister, Saundra.

Pssssssst....Hey Red.....Red........Red!!!

Thu Apr 21, 03:14:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

> >Red-bone, yes...

Looking like whitey with sunburn!!!Come on Imara, you can't fool a brother!!Talking all edumicated and junk!!Skool is for uncool fools ya dig!!!! Who wants a 40?

Thu Apr 21, 03:18:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

>Wrong! ... But, from time to time, there's nothing wrong with a "ruffneck"!

From time to time? What type of casual type loose type uncommitted type scandalous type sh*t is that?

Thu Apr 21, 03:36:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

>*tisk, tisk, tisk*... Always with your mind in the gutter, Soundboyz!

Don't tell me, you and Goldi like to play Scrabble with these "Ruffnecks"?Righttt!

Thu Apr 21, 03:48:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

>Ron that was the name. you probobly look like him for real. That's why you have Dolly.

If I look like Ron, then you must really look like the big boned black chick, I forget her name also, but she was the real dark , real "healthy" one.

Thu Apr 21, 10:21:00 PM 2005  

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