Where Two Or More Are Gathered..........

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Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Why is That?

I've been thinking about things lately and it started to dawn on me that men are being played!Check this out, men are always viewed as pigs and dogs because of their need for sex, right? But women want and need sex just as bad , if not more than men!So why are men being played as the dogs and the animals when the women want it more?Then, the act is looked upon as giving and taking. Yea, the women give something , and the men that are fortunate enough to be offered , take something.When in reality , the men give something and it is the women that take something. Women must be real good at the Jedi Mind Trick, because they need sex more than men, yet , they have men thinking that they can do without and they are giving men something!Why can't sex be looked on for what it really is, a sharing of man and woman , a coming together(no pun intended)of male and female? I think men of the world should unite and go on strike and then we will really see who is more wanting and more animalistic!Then , and only then can men show that sex is an equal opportunity employer and both men and women need it equally .Only then can sex be changed from a commodity that can be bargained and traded , sold and bought , into something truly beautiful and shared , as it was intended to be!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Men are not picky, women are. The male wants to conribute his genes into the gene pool as much as possible...quantity! The female wants a robust mate so as to ensure the strength of her offspring...quality. The above only works for non human animals. Humans have gone beyond this, where cultural cues are now far more powerful a force for reproductive behaviour. xxoo GER

Tue Apr 05, 10:26:00 AM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

O.K......I see.....Now I think i'm starting to understand GER.So what you're saying is women are genetically predispositioned to improve the species by selective breeding, whereas males just want to do the nasty! So , if it was just up to the males, we would still be making hot monkey love.I think I still have some evolving to do.....

Tue Apr 05, 10:33:00 AM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

Nzyme......something tells me that the vibrator/dildo business is doing O.K. over by where you stay at ....But with that being said, I do understand your views. Men do have a lot of progression to go through. For the longest I thought safe sex meant that noone got hurt!!

Tue Apr 05, 11:33:00 AM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

Imara, I would have to find fault with one of your statement. You said that it was a double standard when men have multiple partners compared to women. Well, when men have multiple partners, they are called dogs, when a female has multiple partners, they are called female dogs , or Bitches and therefore............making your statement inaccurate!

BTW, I think women want sex just as much , if not more than men!!They just know how to control their urges , or at least hide their tracks!!

Tue Apr 05, 12:52:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

I take it no men want to join me on this strike?.............Fine , i'll just strike on my own, hell, it's not like I haven't been striking all this time anyway....

Tue Apr 05, 12:58:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

>men - Ger and Imara said it, they are more inclined to "go forth and spread their seed". they need for companionship is different, due to their genetic imperative.

(Sobbing)........Is that Sooooo Wrong?We are genetically programmed to go forth and spread that seed!!Hey, we are SO concerned with the survival of the species, we are determined like soldiers to bring forth new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before........Why do you think Captain Kirk always did his thing? He was only trying to spread humanity to brave new worlds.That's why he would get with a green Bi*#h, he was just trying to advance the species!!!!NOW....is that so WRONG?

Tue Apr 05, 01:15:00 PM 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Women are not breeding for the benefit of the gene pool, they breed for the benefit of their offspring only! All breeding is enlightened self interest, not for the benefit of the species. nzyme.... nothing beats a good electric cooled pony harness with fuel injection. xxoo GER

Tue Apr 05, 01:35:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

>Why can't we just find one person to accomplish both, and then everyone would be happy?

Because we are racing against time to spread our seed and one person at a time would take too......Ooops!!! Too late!!

Tue Apr 05, 02:22:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

GER...I'm going to turn off the Anonymous comments , so if you want to join in the conversation, you will have to sign in as Two Dogs , okay?

Tue Apr 05, 02:23:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Paul Mitchell said...

Oh, so I'm gone for a little while and you are trying to give out my name? And what do you call a woman with multiple partners? Damn popular.

I'm with boyz, I'm striking, too. There are hearts breaking all over the midsouth area tonight.

Tue Apr 05, 03:53:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

Uhmmmmmm......Okely Dokeley Nzyme....sounds like you're very "involved" in the whole process. It seems more like a ransom pick up than a vibrator purchase, but hey, one can't be too careful now a days .There are sexual deviants lurking all around in different vehicles and taking different routes and frequenting adult stores at different hours of the night so hey.......you have to be very careful!!

Tue Apr 05, 03:59:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

>And what do you call a woman with multiple partners? Damn popular.

LOL!!!This is like the first thing we have agreed on!!!LOL!!!Welcome home , brother!!!

>I'm with boyz, I'm striking, too. There are hearts breaking all over the midsouth area tonight.

Welcome to the He-mans womens haters club!!!Well, we don't hate women, we're just gonna give them a little taste of their own medecine!!!!!

.......Two weeks later , we're the only two no pum pum getters on the face of the earth!!!

Tue Apr 05, 04:03:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Paul Mitchell said...

soundboyz, I have noticed a little problem with them women in my advanced age. It seems that they only want what they cannot have. Striking will actually increase your stock with them. Strange animals, them girls. But I can only do this strike thing for a couple of days, I don't want to stack the tasks up too high, you know.

Tue Apr 05, 04:48:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

I hear you Two Dogs!!! We will strike for two days and see just how much women need us!!If this strike thing works out , then I will carry the torch for a few more days , or until women are on their knees... begging for mercy and forgiveness!

Tue Apr 05, 06:29:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

Goldi, stop being so self conscious!!!! This post had nothing to do with you !! Unless you are feeling guilty about it's contents!!!!You remind me of one of those women that use what they got to get what they want!!!!I am putting a STOP to that NOW!!!You will soon realize the real power of men!!And I totally disagree with you ......It IS all about the SEX!!!!! I don't want to play Playstation with you!!!Women try to play it off like Oh...I just want to play some Madden 2005 .....Bulldroppings!!!You came to get tackled and you know it!!!Anyway, I have to stay strong right now, I can't be entertaining unpure thoughts!!!!!

Wed Apr 06, 10:45:00 AM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

> Goldi, I agree... dating doesn't have to be JUST about sex with women... apparently for men it is!

I figured you would!!!Listen ladies , I did not wan to turn this into a Oprah women's rally and after the show party!!!So get your tupperware and your "personal massagers " and go home!!!"Goldi I agree"......figures you would agree, you're a woman!!!And women know it IS all about the SEX!!!! That Bi*ch didn't go up into Mike Tyson's hotel room to recite the Koran!!!!She went to tease him and try to get him to commit to her when he wasn't in his right frame of mind. See, you women know that when we're ....let's say that the blood rushes out of our brains.....yea you gals know we're not thinking straight!!But , this time the tables are turned!!!Let's see how you like me NOW!!!HA!

Wed Apr 06, 10:53:00 AM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

> Day one of the strike has passed... how's that working for ya, Soundboyz and Two Dogs? LOL!!

FINE ....Thanks!!!!

Wed Apr 06, 10:54:00 AM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

Oh, and Imara, men don't get together and boast about their sexual prowess anymore, that was in the 80's and early 90's!However, through the internet and other modern media , women have been exposed as the sex that gets together and brag about their exploits!!!!Look at Goldi's latest post!!!!She boasts about having 6(SIX) partners, friends, luvas, playstation buddies and every other way of saying boy toy!!!Read my lips..This..is..not...right..and...it..will...NOT. .STAND!!! Man Power !!!!! Man Power!!!!!Man Power!!!! Man Power!!!Who's With me?.............????.....

Wed Apr 06, 11:03:00 AM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

I'm fine!!!!!!!!!!!

Wed Apr 06, 12:46:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

>I saw Goldi's post, and she didn't appear to be braggin' to me! She was merely commenting on the vernal equinox.

Now you sound like Two Dogs!!!!

>Oh, and men do too still brag... have ya seen a rap video lately?

Yea, I saw Missy Elliot's "I'm a Bi*#h " the other day.

Wed Apr 06, 02:28:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

> maybe you should have a strike on your personality...then maybe you will get some.

That was mean Goldi!Why do you attack me like this!!I am on strike remember? I'm not trying to get some!!!!!!....................Are you offering?

Wed Apr 06, 05:39:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...


Thu Apr 07, 10:54:00 AM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

And I'm FINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thu Apr 07, 10:55:00 AM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

FINE I SAID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NOW LEAVE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thu Apr 07, 11:26:00 AM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

Wait........don't go.....

Thu Apr 07, 11:27:00 AM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

NO!!!! I'M FINE!!!!!!!!

Fri Apr 08, 01:45:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

Are you women ready to CUT THE SH*T NOW????!?!?!?!??!?!?

Fri Apr 08, 01:46:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

>Nzyme sent us the link to Woody's. LOL!!!

She better NOT have!!!!!!That little deviant!!Don't you go to that Godforsaken place!!!!Pervs hang out there late at night , in different cars!!.....Pick me up something?

Fri Apr 08, 02:43:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

Cut the Sh*T and Pick me up something !!!!

Fri Apr 08, 03:29:00 PM 2005  
Blogger KR said...

Men are sexual. Women are sensual.
Men propagate. Women gestate.
Men rape. Women are raped.

Our species has evolved to favor the males who were most aggressive, both in eliminating their competition, and in spreading their seed in as many females as possible. As I recall, humans are the only mammalian species in which the females are in constant heat from the onset of fertility until menopause. We do not have a 'season'. We can procreate practically at will. When males weren't doing the selection for them (via forced sex) females chose and still choose mates based upon pheromones, symmetry, strength, and intelligence.

As far as wanting sex goes, I think Jeff Foxworthy had it right when he compared women to diesel engines (once you get them going they can run a long, LONG time) and men to bottle rockets (fffffttttt! oooh! ahhh!). Masters and Johnson said that one woman's capacity for pleasure puts all men to shame. Note, the word is pleasure, not sex. Sex is an exercise in the mechanics of arousal and orgasm. Pleasure is something else, entirely, and something women appear to be better equipped to experience.

Fri Apr 08, 04:44:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...


I want to thank you for stopping by and leaving such a nice and informative comment. It seems as if you are quite knowledgeable on the subject.I can only find fault with your statement that men rape and women are raped. Although I do admit that the majority of rapes do occur in this manner, I must point out that women are also very capable of rape. I know, I am a survivor .

Fri Apr 08, 05:23:00 PM 2005  
Blogger KR said...

It is a general rule, Soundboyz, one that you and I both are exceptions to. Female rapists, serial killers, etc do exist, but they are exceedingly rare.

Fri Apr 08, 06:24:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

LOL!!!!!Kelly, are you registered in the area in which you currently live?

Fri Apr 08, 06:48:00 PM 2005  
Blogger KR said...

I'm registered as an Independant, not as a sex offender ;) I don't believe they have registers for survivors of sexual trauma. If there were such an registry, I think there would be a leap in awareness. I think the statistics here in the States are up to 1 in 3 females will be raped in her lifetime. I don't know the stats on males... 1 in 25 perhaps?

Fri Apr 08, 07:43:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

>It is a general rule, Soundboyz, one that you and I both are exceptions to

Kelly , please forgive me, I thought that you meant that you were a female rapist.I apologize . I do not mean to make light of victims of sexual trauma. I hope that i'm wrong again, but from what I understand , you are a victim of a sex crime. If that is correct, then I truly am sorry for my remarks. I misunderstood your comments.Please clarify.

Fri Apr 08, 09:03:00 PM 2005  
Blogger S A J Shirazi said...

Yoou are vgery brave to see and admit the facts.

Sat Apr 09, 12:04:00 AM 2005  
Blogger KR said...

Soundboyz: I experienced a six-month period of sexual abuse from a woman when I was a girl of 11 - 12. So yeah, I hear you on the 'women can rape, too'. But that is an exception to the rule, obviously. Women are very rarely the sexual aggressor, and in some ways we are still like the monkeys you mentioned. Did you know that female chimpanzees drive males wild by flashing their 'pink' when they are in heat? We flirt, we tease, we are sometimes assertive about our needs, but we rarely assault another person in an effort to assuage our biological drives.

Sat Apr 09, 11:05:00 AM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...


I am sorry to hear that you were victimized as a child. That is one thing that really gets me angry.Just like the whole sexual courting/act is genetically programmed into us, I think it is a natural instinct for males to become upset , even angry when they hear about women and/or children suffering from any type of abuse!I think it has to do with making sure the species survives on a whole!!I truly hope that you have been able to overcome any issues stemming from this.

>Did you know that female chimpanzees drive males wild by flashing their 'pink' when they are in heat?

Actually ...Yes I am well aware of that fact!! Their genitalia swells up to the size of a baseball catcher's mit and they walk around "flashing" potential male partners!Currently , I am going through something similar with females, but I have decided to stay strong and fight off their advances for now!!!I'm trying to show women that men can play the same little game that they play when it comes to sex!!

Sat Apr 09, 11:38:00 AM 2005  
Blogger KR said...

I wish you luck in your endeavor. I know from my own experience that a woman in heat is nigh impossible to resist. Me, if I've ever wanted a man, I made him mine. I'd say that none of the women playing games with you really _wants_ you, or you'd have been sucked in already :)

Sat Apr 09, 05:27:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Wayne World said...

>I'd say that none of the women playing games with you really _wants_ you, or you'd have been sucked in already :)

Well, Missy miss miss, I should inform you that women DO want me ! It's a constant struggle EVERY DAY to resist the advances and TRICKERY of many -a-women!!You underestimate the will power and the mental fortitude of men!!I will be recognized as one of the early pioneers responsible for turning the tables on women and making sexuality a more level playing field....................AAww... who the hell am I trying to fool......I couldn't get any if they sold it bulk at Wal-Mart!!Help me.....Please help me!!!!

Sat Apr 09, 09:52:00 PM 2005  

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