Where Two Or More Are Gathered..........
This is the place where all are welcome to join in and engage in spiritual, uplifting and intellectual conversation.Please do join us,won't you.....
This is the place where all are welcome to join in and engage in spiritual, uplifting and intellectual conversation.Please do join us,won't you.....
Which version? I have been tampering with this thing for a while. I finally settled on this one. Did you see the one with all the flowers?
P.S. Thank You.
> R.I.P., Terri. I hope you're dancing in spring meadows!!
Where is that Nzyme?
Terri's story must resonate deeply with each of us. Which ever side of the divide that we fall on, the issues that the battle for her life raised during the last few days will leave none of us unchanged. We love you and bless you Terri. Have peace as you continue your journey.
Thanks Imara, I didn't want it to get too tacky. I wanted it to be simple and sweet. I truely hope Terri continues on her spiritual journey , happy and at peace.
> BrownAngel, glad to see you found your way to our blog! I left you a comment on yours! Thanks for stopping by.
We also added you and the other Sistahs to our blogroll.Stop by anytime!
I did hear that Imara. What a shame!!! Also, just as you predicted, Delay has started on the whole "wrong Judges" talk. They are using this poor woman's tradegy for their own political ploys!!!They should all be very ashamed of themselves. Delay should be more worried about illegal campaign financing in Texas!!
Terri is so pretty in that picture. It's hard to imagine that she was the same person in that hospice.I hope the important message of bolemia and it's consequences comes to light from this tragedy.
The main thing is that as a Catholic, cremation is against tenet. I think that Michael just wants to put the final barb in her parents. Terri was a devout Catholic that was denied Holy Communion by her husband for the last fifteen years, now he wants to torch her body.
Two Dogs, she has been incapacitated for the last 15 years, and don't give me that stuff about she could talk and she could go to the movies and watch a ballgame!!
Yea......What Imara said!!!!!!
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